Life Stage: Parent

Women & Credit: Here’s How to Get on Solid Ground

Women & Credit: Here’s How to Get on Solid Ground

For many years, research has shown that women in the U.S. are approved for less than men when they apply for credit products and are more likely to be denied outright. Perhaps because of this, women also put off applying for credit when compared to men, even when they need it to get on solid financial ground.

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Tax-Advantaged Ways to Save for College

Tax-Advantaged Ways to Save for College

In the college savings game, all strategies aren’t created equal. The best savings vehicles offer special tax advantages if the funds are used to pay for college. Tax-advantaged strategies are important because over time, you can potentially accumulate more money with a tax-advantaged investment compared to a taxable investment. Ideally, though, you’ll want to choose a savings vehicle that offers you the best combination of tax advantages, financial aid benefits, and flexibility, while meeting your overall investment needs.

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Protecting Children From Identity Theft

Protecting Children From Identity Theft

Identity fraud goes in and out of the headlines with regularity, and while it can be overwhelming to try to keep up with the most current scams, we frequently hear updates from various news sources about guarding our identities. The latest scams are putting our children’s identities at risk. This month, we will focus on ways to protect the kids in your life from identity fraud.

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Tips for Tackling Back-to-School Shopping

Tips for Tackling Back-to-School Shopping

Back to school shopping season is already here, and experts are predicting spending to increase this year. Preparing for the new academic year doesn’t have to break the bank. Plus, involving your child in planning and budgeting is a great way to teach them about money through example.

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