Consumer and Business Fee Schedules
Please view the PDFs of our fee schedules below:
SESLOC Consumer Fee Schedule
Business Services Fee Schedule
Why Saving is Winning
From the News+ Blog
Save to Win Share Certificate Participants Celebrate Big Wins
26 members won a combined $7,300 in the monthly and quarterly Save to Win 12-month Share Certificate¹ prize drawing² earlier this month — including two big quarterly winners of $5,000 and $1,000. What would you do if you got the call announcing a surprise windfall? Anthony, the $1,000 quarterly prize winner, quite literally jumped for joy when he heard the good news.
More Than $20,000 Save to Win Prizes Awarded
SESLOC members are saving — and winning! Since the program launched, more than $20,000 in prizes have been awarded.
5 Ways to Level Up & Save More
Consider making moves to Level Up, with our new member benefits program.¹ Increasing benefits include select fee waivers, waived check orders, and rate discounts on new eligible consumer loans — all of which can help you save even more money and get ahead financially.