Innovative Teachers

Innovative Teachers Find Ways to Enhance Remote Learning

October 5, 2020
by Team SESLOC

Wherever learning occurs, SESLOC Education grants are available to support classroom innovation. Here’s how four teachers used grants to support their remote learning curriculum:

Family Partnership Charter School teacher Diana Cushing bought art supply kits so students can practice at home.

Paso Robles High School teacher Evan Johnson used a grant to fund GoPro equipment to broadcast and record labs for his AP Physics classes.

Almond Acres Academy teacher Reena Spooner bought math manipulative kits for her distance learners.

Cambria Elementary School teacher Michael Lant sent students chess sets to practice strategic learning skills over Zoom and with their families.

With our roots as a credit union for San Luis Obispo county educators, SESLOC has a strong commitment to education — and we support classroom learning, creativity and innovation through our Education Grants program.


Pre-K through 12th grade teachers and directors of enrichment programs at accredited schools within San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara Counties are invited to apply for grants up to $500 to fund special projects and expand classroom resources. Last year we awarded $20,000 in Education Grants to local schools.

SESLOC supports our community. Help us support local schools by sharing the grant application with Central Coast teachers or applying today.

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