Consumer Loans

Wells Fargo Closing Your Line of Credit? Here’s What You Can Do

Wells Fargo Closing Your Line of Credit? Here’s What You Can Do

Last week, Wells Fargo announced they are discontinuing the personal line of credit and will be closing any existing credit lines — which may negatively impact the credit scores of affected customers. A line of credit is an unsecured revolving loan that offers the flexibility to borrow money at any time after it’s opened, commonly used for debt consolidation, home improvement projects, emergency cash flow, or for peace of mind.

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How Closely Do I Need to Monitor My Credit Score?

How Closely Do I Need to Monitor My Credit Score?

First, let’s clear up a common misconception about credit scores. It’s often thought that you have just one singular score, or one for each of the three credit bureaus. The truth is that you actually have many credit scores. This is due to a number of factors:

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FAQ: How Do I Manage the Accounts for a Deceased Member?

FAQ: How Do I Manage the Accounts for a Deceased Member?

It can be difficult to know where to begin when you’re handling someone else’s financial affairs. Below you’ll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions, and we’re here to help in the branches or at (805) 543-1816 during this challenging time. We also recommend you contact your legal advisor for assistance, as needed.

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Auto Accident Checklist

Auto Accident Checklist

An automobile accident can be a confusing and stressful event, but being prepared can help you remain calm. It’s important to know what to do immediately after an accident and what to do in the days following.

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The ABCs of Auto Insurance

The ABCs of Auto Insurance

Whether you already have auto insurance or are considering buying some, you may be wondering how much is enough and which types of coverage you need. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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Home Buying: What to Expect from the Inspection

Home Buying: What to Expect from the Inspection

A home inspection is an important part of the buying process where an objective third-party performs a visible assessment of the property’s condition so you can make an informed decision about your purchase. After all, it’s one thing to plan for a fixer-upper and another to be surprised and saddled with expensive repairs. Here’s what you can expect from the inspection:

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How to Apply for a HELOC

How to Apply for a HELOC

A HELOC, or Home Equity Line of Credit, leverages your home’s equity to give you more flexibility compared to other loans — you can borrow up to your maximum credit limit, when you need it, as you need it. Whether you’re planning a kitchen remodel, upgrading to energy efficient appliances, consolidating debt, or simply want the peace of mind that it’s there to cover an emergency, a HELOC is the perfect pairing for your mortgage.

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