Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes

Acts of Sustainability in September

September 14, 2022
by Team SESLOC

As we celebrate our 80th anniversary, we’re preserving our community for the next 80 years by doing 80 local acts that have a global impact. Read about our acts from August, and see what’s new below!

Here’s the impact so far:

49. In honor of our 80th, we donated to the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center, a nonprofit dedicated to ecological preservation and education.

50. SESLOC employees participated in SLO RideShare’s alternative commute contest, saving 7,027.4 lbs of CO2 from entering our air.

51. Some SESLOC employees also participated in SLO RideShare’s alternative commute summer contest, saving 8,616 lbs of CO2 from entering our air and taking second place amongst participating SLO County organizations.

52. We awarded an Education Grant to Central Coast New Tech High Teacher, Jessica Engdahl, who purchased materials for students to create biome bottles for a lesson on ecology.

53. We sourced car coasters made of recycled tires.

54. We also recycle all of our printer toner cartridges.

55. Our team digitized documents wherever possible in order to cut down on paper usage.

56. Our team also eliminated the need for certain types of paper, and donated remaining stock to local elementary schools. 

Stay tuned to learn about more ways we’re promoting sustainability.