June Acts of Sustainability

Promoting Sustainability in June

June 8, 2022
by Team SESLOC

As we celebrate our 80th anniversary, we’re preserving our community for the next 80 years by doing 80 local acts that have a global impact. Read about our acts from May, and see what’s new below!

Here’s the impact so far:

25. To help promote alternative commuting and RideShare’s Bike Month, we hosted a “bike breakfast” at our headquarters on Friday, May 20, with special treats for our neighbors biking to work.

26. We supported the Central Coast State Parks Association, which fills the gap in state funding to ensure our local parks can provide valuable educational programs to the community and visitors alike.

27. In May, SESLOC employees participated in SLO RideShare’s alternative commute contest, saving 5,164.8 lbs of CO2 from entering our air.

28. We carefully recycle all the cardboard packaging we receive with supplies.

29. We monitor the weather, and conserve water by shutting off irrigation when it rains.

30. In May, we shared an article on the benefits of paying your SESLOC loans remotely with EasyPay.

31. In our June newsletter, we also shared some tips for banking remotely while on the go.

32. We also shared some tips for mobile banking in the summer edition of our print newsletter.

Stay tuned to learn about more ways we’re promoting sustainability.