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Woman reviewing finances on laptop at home.

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Email Newsletters & Advisories

Woman reviewing finances on laptop at home.

Email Newsletters & Advisories

What’s happening at SESLOC, in our community or in the financial world? Stay connected.

Consumer members receive periodic updates for new SESLOC services, programs and products, plus we send news of important advisories. We also send monthly newsletters, how-tos and alert you of any financial education opportunities. All new consumer members are subscribed upon opening a membership.

An “opt out” link in each email allows you to unsubscribe at any time. We respect your privacy and we do not share your name or email address. See our complete privacy policy for more information.

In addition, we share information on select social media channels. Please see our social media community guidelines. 

Beginning December 8, 2022, SESLOC is transitioning to new email sender addresses. There are no required changes of behalf our members. However, you may want to add these new addressess to your address book. Here are instructions provided by some of the top email platforms. 

NOTE: SESLOC is not responsible for your choice and use of these third-party email platforms. Providing these instructions does not constitute an endorsement of these platforms.

PLEASE NOTE: If your address changes or your mailbox rejects an e-mail, you are automatically unsubscribed from the list and must re-subscribe to continue receiving email information. New members are opted-in at account open per the Consumer Member Account Agreement and Disclosure, but may unsubscribe at any time.


From the News+ Blog

SESLOC Cares for Community Award: Lisa Murray

SESLOC Cares for Community Award: Lisa Murray

We’re partnering with News Channel 12 to honor nonprofit volunteers who make our community thrive. Each month, we’re choosing a different nonprofit and asking them to select a valuable volunteer to receive the SESLOC Cares for Community Award. We’re thrilled to introduce Lisa Murray, from CASA of Santa Barbara County.

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How to Brace for Rising Home Costs: A Guide for Homeowners and Renters

How to Brace for Rising Home Costs: A Guide for Homeowners and Renters

Have you noticed your insurance bills skyrocketing lately? If so, you’re in good company. According to Policygenius, the average home insurance premium increased by 21% between May 2022 and May 2023. Combine this with rising housing costs, property taxes, and high interest rate debt, and it’s no wonder why so many Americans are struggling in today’s market.

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SESLOC’s 10 Steps to Protect Members with Cybersecurity

SESLOC’s 10 Steps to Protect Members with Cybersecurity

You may hear of cyberattacks throughout the news and think it may never happen to you but cyberattacks can happen to anyone and any business. Knowing the severity a cyberattack can create for members, SESLOC has and continues to improve its defenses against cybercriminals. Listed below are 10 ways that SESLOC works to provide the best protection for their members.

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